Friday 11 May 2012

Some actual finished work

I finished my superman graffiti finally, kind of happy with how it turned out but then again i am never happy with anything I do. The other stuff you can see is my obbsession with batman, after the announcment that batman Arkham city will finally be getting some story dlc I thought I would draw some pictures of harely and the bats, to keep me going until the release of the dlc in may. Excuse the messy nature of the batman and harely ink drawings I just doodled them out, because i have nothing to do at college. on a final note i have finished my second kabalite warrior and starting on a wych soon, so stay tuned for pictures of that :) 

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Some college work and warhammer news!

So I am working away at college on my "digital image and capture" project, and here is the beginings of my final piece, it's superman style graffit, which is going to have superman standing on top, all finished in a very graffiti/comic book style, so stay tuned for that. Also I have been tinkering away with my warhammer, mainly my dark eldar, I have nearly finished a second kabalite warrior, I just need to finish up the glowing green bits. I have a lot of big plans for my dark eldar so stay tuned.

Friday 4 May 2012

Asavage orc drawings

Some orc drawings i have been working on at college this week, it's for my optional unit brief, hope you like. Might upload some actual warhammer painting next week so stay tuned.